Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the answers to the most frequent questions I
get asked.
I've downloaded a neon sign and it's lost its animation !!
If you view the neon signs using a paint package such
as Paintshop Pro then the sign won't be animated because
the package doesn't support animation. The easiest way
of viewing them offline is to use your browser. Select
"File" then "Open" then "Browse", find the place on your
hard disk where you've saved the image to, change the
"Files Of Type" to "All Files" and select the image you
want to open.
What program do you use for creating the neon signs ??
It's quite a complicated process involving three
programs, Paintshop Pro, Adobe Photoshop and
Microsoft Gif Animator.
Can you tell me how you make them ??
No, if I did that then everybody would be making them
and they wouldn't be unique !!
What program do you use for creating your web pages ??
I've tried hundreds, but now I only use WebEdit 2.0
For Windows 95, I don't use any of the features that
automatically create pages or insert tags, I just type
it all manually, I could just use a word processor I
suppose....Web Edit is available from
Can you create a neon sign for me ??
No, not at the moment. Look at it from my point of
view, I've only got a limited amount of time, and
you want me to make a neon sign that says "Joe Blogg's
Home Page" or "PK Engineering Limited".
That sign is only of use to a limited amount of people, and
in the time it takes to create it I could have created a
sign that says "Spice Girls Fan Page" which is useful to
thousands of people (and will get my neon sign logo on thousands
of pages).
For the above reasons, if I do create custom neon signs I charge
money for them, and at the moment I've no facilities to accept
credit cards so the answer (for the moment) is no, sorry !!
I've put a link to you on my page, but the button
doesn't show up, what am I doing wrong ??
One of two things, either you've not saved the little logo
onto your hard disk and uploaded it to your server, or
you've saved the little logo under a different name than
it says in the code.
How do I download images on my MAC ??
Click on the image you want and HOLD DOWN the mouse
button, when the menu appears select "Save Image As"
from this menu.
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