Link to us !!
To link to us right click on the button below, save it
as "neoncity.gif", upload the image to your own website,
then simply include the following code on
your page,
<A HREF="http://www.neoncity.co.uk">
<IMG SRC="neoncity.gif" border=0 ALT="Neon City"></A>
This is how it will look,
If you'd prefer not to have an icon on your page then include
a link to http://www.neoncity.co.uk somewhere in the text on your
pages. If you'd like to create your own Neon City
icon that's fine as long as the link is there.
If you get the chance then we wouldn't mind an e-mail from you
telling us which neon signs you've used and the URL of your
page. We'd like to have a look !!
Send the e-mail to
[email protected]
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